Bristol Area Library

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Barcode/StatusTitleAuthorCollectionCall Number
54392 checked out
The Ghosts of RomeO'Connor,Joseph7-day BooksF
54395 checked in
Memorial daysBrooks, Geraldine7-day Books920 Brooks
54393 checked in
Nuclear warJacobsen, Annie7-day Books335.02
54174 checked in
Here one momentMoriarty, Liane7-day BooksF
53919 checked in
Chasing BeautyDykstra,Natalie7-day Books920 Gardner
53905 checked in
We loved it all :Millet, Lydia,7-day Books920
54394 checked out
The serviceberryWall Kimmerer, Robin7-day Books305.5
54331 checked in
Midnight and blueRankin, Ian7-day BooksM
54097 checked in
The best liesEllis, David7-day BooksM
54402 checked in
The Booklover's Library: a Novel/Martin, Madeline7-day BooksF
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