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Bibliography Information:
Collection: 7-day Books
Call Number: F
Author: Sparks, Nicholas
Title: Counting miracles :
Remainder of title: a novel
Summary, etc. note: As the characters fates orbit closer together, none of them is expecting a miracle...but that may be exactly what is about to alter their futures forever

International Standard Book Number: 9780593449608
: (hardcover)
: (ebook)
Canceled/invalid ISBN: 9780593449592
Description conventions: rda
Authentication code: pcc
Geographic area code: n-us-nc
Classification number: PS3569.P363
Edition number: 23/eng/20240422
Classification number: 813/.54
Relator term: author.
Statement of responsibility, etc.: Nicholas Sparks.
Edition statement: First edition.
Place of publication: New York, NY
Name of publisher: Penguin Random House
Date of publication: 2024
Projected publication date: 2409
: New York :
: Random House,
: 2024.
Extent: 344 pages
Source of acquisition: Donated
Purchase price: 30.00
Subject: Romance fiction
: acquire
: ecip ebook
: policy default
: ecip ebook 2024-04-22

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54347 checked in 2025-02-05 12:27:18